
Project Health Reports Give a Quick Look at Project Status

Team administrators, translation coordinators, field coordinators, translation consultants among others often want to know the status of a project.  This is important for managing the team and the planning of translation checking sessions.  The Project Plan and Assignments & Progress window can be used for this purpose, but there is another feature in Paratext called “Project Health Report” is quick and organized in a compact way that might suit the needs of administrators and translation consultants for an overview of a project that can be printed or saved as a PDF.  Besides it compactness, the other thing that a project health report can do that the Assignments & Progress window cannot do is combine the status of several projects into one document. Below is an example Project Health Report for the EZPEZ project.

Notice the statistics given for the project that are based on the books in the project scope.  The statistics included are the percentage of each stage that is completed, the total number of verses, rate of progress of the project, number of project notes and the percentage resolved, total number of words and the percentage with correct spelling status, stats on spelling discussion notes, stats on Biblical terms, and information on rendering discussion notes.  Also notice the Print icon on the top left of the report. With this you can print out a hard copy or create a PDF file that can be sent electronically to others.
If you are involved with more than one project, the Project Health Report for all the projects can be combined into one report for comparison.  Below is an example of Project Health Report for three projects.        

The Project Health Report feature can be found under the main project window. (If you want to make a report for several projects, you can make the report from any window for any of the included projects.)

Project Health report menu 1red

If you would like to know more about how to use Project Health Reports, then type “health report” in Paratext.


Next time you need to know the status of a project, try generating a project health report.  It may be just enough information for a report to your supervisor or funding agency.