Home » Paratext Training Resources » Tutorial Articles » How to Open an Interlinear Window in Paratext 9.2 (and later)
In Paratext 9.2 (and later), there are new ways to open the Interlinear Tool. These options give you new and helpful ways to open the Interlinear window.
The following video describes the different ways to open the interlinearizer window in Paratext. You can see a written tutorial below.
To open the Interlinear Tool, go to the Project menu > Tools > Interlinearizer. You will see this window:
When you expand the drop-down list (#1 above) to choose what kind of interlinearizer to create, you see a list like this:
We will describe each of these options below.
The first four options open a new interlinear window.
The Interlinear window will open with different settings, based on the option that you choose.
This option is most similar to previous Paratext behavior, which uses a major language translation to statistically guess meanings for words in the local/receptor language. As you accept or correct these options, your database grows and becomes the basis for further glosses.
This option allows you to avoid using statistical glosses from a model text so as not to influence the translator. Suggestions from a model text can influence translators to use a gloss that does not match the meaning of the word in the source text. For example, when using the “Create glosses based on a model text” option, the interlinear may suggest “Blessed” from the model text at the beginning of each beatitude in Matthew 5. But “Blessed” may have little correspondence with the actual meaning of the vernacular word used. When using the “no model text” option, the interlinear will only suggest words from previous glosses that have been made.
This option requires a model text, but also links the interlinear with a back translation project, so that the interlinear glosses can be exported to the back translation project. This will not produce a natural back translation, so translators should know that it may be preferred to manually create a back translation without use of the interlinear.
Here are the steps to use the Interlinearizer to create a back translation of your project, and export the glosses to the back translation project:
For more help in creating and using a back translation project with the Interlinearizer, search the Paratext Help for How do I create a back translation project with the Interlinearizer?
This option allows you to create an adaptation from one language into another related language, or a revision of the same language. The resulting glosses are linked to a daughter project where the adapted/revised text can be sent.
Below the four options, you will see any existing interlinear texts that have been used in the past for this project.
Selecting one of these will open that interlinear, allowing you to continue your work.
We hope that this and other improvements to Paratext will continue to assist you in your important translation work.