
Registry Administrator’s Guide

Registry Administrators are responsible for assigning roles in the registry to the members of their organization, managing users and projects, and other tasks.

Page Contents

Registry Administrator Webinar

Watch the webinar about Registry Administrators here, or read the written instructions below.

Administering Your Organization

When editing your organization in the registry, you have access to the following tabs.


Registry Administrators are responsible for assigning roles in the registry to the members of their organization. They need to make sure that the following roles are assigned to staff who can perform them:

  • Progress Reviewer is assigned to someone to validate the reported progress of their organization’s projects. Not all organizations do progress validation, and it may not be needed for yours.
  • Registration Reviewer is assigned to someone to review the validity of projects that are registered by your organization before they become visible to external organizations.
  • Membership Approver is assigned to people who can approve or reject registration requests from people in your organization based on the requester’s status in a translation-related role.
  • Supporter is assigned to users who are supporting translators using Paratext in your organization.

The Roles tab on the organization lists all of the approved users for your org and also shows users waiting to be approved.

Membership Auto-approval

There is an option to set an auto-approval email domain, so that requests from your org’s email address do not have to be approved.

WARNING: Not everyone in your org qualifies for a Paratext license. So even auto-approved users should be vetted to have a role in a translation project.

Assigning Roles

To assign roles in your organization:

  1. Go to the Organization page in the Paratext Registry.
  2. Find your organization and click Edit.
  3. Click on the Roles tab to see all the users in your organization.
  4. Show the users who have a certain role by clicking on the column heading of the role you want to sort on.
  5. For a member who is not in the list, they must first register for Paratext — even if they will not be using the Paratext software.
  6. Notify that person and explain how to perform their role according to the guides on

To assign a role to someone outside your organization:

If you do not have enough people inside your organization to manage these roles, you may use the Add User to Organization button at the bottom of the roles page to assign the role to someone from a partner organization. You will only be able to see and add them if you are a supporter in the organization they belong to. (Supporters are able to see the users in the organization they support).


This tab shows where your org fits in the registry structure. You can move to sub-orgs or parent orgs quickly here.


This tab lists all the projects that are managed by your organization. These project registrations are editable by you as the administrator.

You can edit or update details about a project, such as its status, or view its members, progress, and see details about its history.

You also have the ability to manage user roles in a project. In most circumstances, the project administrators should add or remove members, but if there is a special reason, you can add or remove members of the project, or change their role in the project


Shows what Paratext text resources people in this org have access to


At a glance, you can see the number of Paratext projects that exist in each of the six following status categories:


Shows which projects have a Project Plan applied and are reporting their progress.


Shows which versions of Paratext your members are using.

Practical Administrator Tasks

Here are a number of situations you may encounter and how to solve them in your role as Administrator.

User issues

Lost registration codes

First, users should know that they can re-issue / reset their own code! Any user with an email address can generate a new code for themself after logging in to the Paratext Registry.

Edit a user to fix their email address

If the reason they cannot log in to the registry is because they no longer have access to their registration email, it is better to help them gain access to the registry:

  1. Go to main Users tab in the Paratext Registry.
  2. Search for their registration name.
  3. Click the blue edit button next to their name.
  4. On their profile page, click “Add email address”.
  5. Enter their email address.
    1. Click Add.
    2. Click Close.
  6. The registry will send their new address a confirmation email.
  7. Have the user click the confirmation link in the confirmation email.

Once they have confirmed their new email by clicking on the link in the message, they can log into the registry with their new email, and then remove the old email from their profile.

Impersonate a user to generate a new code

If they cannot log in to the registry, a registry admin can generate a new code for them:

  1. Go to main Users tab in the Paratext Registry.
  2. Find their name in the list of users.
  3. Click on the wedge by the Edit button. This shows some other possible actions.
  4. Click “Impersonate”
    1. If you choose this, the registry then shows what they would see if they logged in.
  5. Go to their Profile (upper-right corner) > Registration.
  6. Click the green Generate button to generate a new code.
  7. Send them a copy of the new code via email or text.
    1. The Registry will also send them an email with the new code.

Register a new user

Registry admins, project admins, membership approvers, and supporters can register new users who have no email address.

  1. Go to main Users tab in the Paratext Registry.
  2. Click the Register New User button above the list of users.
  3. Fill in the form with information about the new user.

When you finish, the registry will generate a user code for them, which you will see, and you will also get a copy of it by email.

Note: A member who was registered by another without an email cannot log in to the registry to give themselves a new code. The person who registered them can generate a new code for them. If you look on their profile, you will see the name of the person who registered them.

Move a user to a different organization

It is much easier for a user to request membership of a different organization than for an admin to move them to a different organization.  The best approach would be to tell them how to request membership in the different organization or if needed, impersonate them (see above on impersonating a user) to request the organizational change. 
How a user can request a change of organization

If an admin removes a user from an organization, assigning that user to another organization requires administrative rights for the whole registry, (in technical terms, administrative rights over “root”). 

Remove a user from your organization

  1. Edit the user.
  2. On their profile page, click “Change…” next to the Primary Organization.
  3. Select “none” from the top of the list.

The user will get a new registration code emailed to them and their current code will be disabled. They will not be able to send/receive until their new code is applied.

Project-Level Tasks

Notify project administrators of incorrectly registered projects

Back translations should not be included unless they are intended to be published. If not, they should be set up in Paratext as a Back Translation project, which will be linked to the parent project and will not need a registration.

Check on progress

After a team has setup a Project Plan and starts tracking progress, you will be able to see their progress on the Progress tab.

Move a project to another organization

A project can be moved from one organization to another if needed.

  1. Go to main Projects tab in the Paratext Registry.
  2. Search for the project.
  3. Click the blue edit button next to the project name.
  4. Go to the Managing Organizations box
  5. Click the X to remove the organization listed
  6. Add another organization.

Like with moving a user, you may need to coordinate this if you do not have authority within the new organization.

Revoke Registration for a Project

The option to revoke the registration a project is for those with Registration Reviewer permission. This is to be used in case of copyright infringement or other issue.

  1. Go to main Projects tab in the Paratext Registry.
  2. Search for the project.
  3. Click the blue edit button next to the project name.
  4. On the project page, click the wedge by the blue Contact button (upper-right corner):
    revoke registration
  5. Click Revoke registration…

Delete Registration for a Project

  1. Go to main Projects tab in the Paratext Registry.
  2. Search for the project.
  3. Click wedge beside the blue edit button next to the project name.
  4. Click Delete registration.

This will only delete the registration for the project. This will NOT delete the actual project files for users on the project. To delete a project entirely, see the How do I delete a project? topic in the Paratext Help.