
Powerful Bible Translation Features

Paratext is the world’s leading Bible translation software. It is packed with powerful features and is used by more than 13,500 people in over 3,700 different language groups around the world.

Translate Scripture from Start to Finish

From studying and drafting, through checking and revising, and on to publication, Paratext supports translating God's Word into the heart languages of people everywhere.






Overview of Key Features

More Powerful Features

Additional Feature Highlights

Project History

Keep track of all of your changes and restore work that was accidentally lost or changed.

Consultant Notes

Create custom projects to keep track of notes for consultant checking sessions.

Compare Translations

Compare verses from multiple translations in the same window or view them side-by-side.

Versatile Display Options

Arrange your translation project, biblical resources, project notes, and other windows in any configuration (and with multiple monitors)

Extensive Help

Extensive documentation, helps, and step-by-step processes are available throughout Paratext.

Get started with Paratext today!