
Download Paratext for Linux

Paratext for Linux is not currently supported, but you can still download Paratext 9.0 below.

Recommended Linux Version

The recommended version of Linux for all versions of Paratext is Wasta-Linux 18.04 or Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic).


Wasta-Linux is a customized version of Ubuntu, specificially designed for language work. It makes installing SIL language software much easier and provides a free alternative to operating systems like Windows or Mac OS X. Wasta-Linux uses the same version numbers as Ubuntu.

Linux Version Paratext Version
Paratext 9.1 – 9.3
Paratext 9.0
Paratext 8
Wasta or Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal)
or Linux Mint 20
Wasta or Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)
or Linux Mint 19
Wasta or Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
or Linux Mint 18

Table Info

Icon Description
Fully functional
Limited functionality

*Paratext 8 is no longer supported. While it may install on Linux, some functionality will not be available and you will encounter problems.

How to Download

Paratext 9.0 can be downloaded from the SIL Linux repository. You can either use the software or package manager to find the Paratext versions you wish to download, or download Paratext 9.0 with a terminal command like the following:

					sudo apt install paratext-9.0