
Download Paratext 9.4

Standard Installation

*Automatically updates to

Offline Installation

  • Use the Offline installer if you have a poor internet connection.
  • The offline files can also be used to install Paratext on multiple machines.
  • To install offline, you will need the Offline installer and the latest update (both below).

Offline Installer

Latest Update

System Requirements for Paratext 9.4

64-bit Windows Version:

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10 (version 1607 or later, 1903 or later preferred)

Additional Requirement(s):

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (included in Windows 10 Version 1903).
  • 8 GB of RAM

Paratext 9.4 Compatibility

Compatibility with Paratext 9.0 - 9.3

  • Paratext 9.4 is fully compatible with 9.0 – 9.3, although the new features will only be accessible from the newer versions.
  • Paratext 9.4 will also work with Paratext 8, but we encourage you to upgrade to Paratext 9 as soon as possible.
  • Installing 9.4 will replace 9.0 – 9.3 and any beta version 9.4 you may have installed.

Compatibility with Paratext 8

Paratext 9 is compatible with Paratext 8 and can be used on the same projects, sharing files using send/receive. If you have Paratext 8 installed, the Paratext 9 installer will not replace it. The installer does not delete Paratext 8 or change it in any way–you can continue to use both Paratext 8 and Paratext 9, but you should not have both open at the same time.

If Paratext 8 is installed, Paratext 9 will use the existing My Paratext 8 Projects directory, sharing projects with Paratext 8. If Paratext 8 is not installed, Paratext 9 creates a new project directory named My Paratext 9 Projects.

Incompatibility with Paratext 7

  • Paratext 9 is not compatible with Paratext 7. Users of 7 must take their registration code from 7 and reregister at
  • Data from 7 must be migrated to Paratext 8 first: see Migration Help for instructions.

Paratext is compatible with various versions of software like FieldWorks (FLEx) and Logos Bible Software. To find out more, see Compatibility with other software.

Other Files

We always encourage users to use the latest version, but you can still access older versions of Paratext if you need.