Discover 65+ Arabic training videos, and 100+ new videos in other languages. Celebrate Paratext’s 30th anniversary and help fund additional training resources.
Paratext 9.3 released, training videos in multiple languages, use Paratext in additional languages, KTOT update, new training course, and jobs with Paratext.
News about Paratext 9.3, new training materials in English and French, new Interlinearizer video, using Paratext in more languages, and a new PTXprint video!
Learn about new Paratext plugins, watch the Paratext 9.3 Beta demo video, find new translation resources, and sign up for publishing training opportunites.
Learn about the Spell Check video series, creating/registering a new project, new enhanced resources, training opportunities (PubAssist Workshop!), and more.
Learn about using Paratext in new languages, new translation resources, training opportunities (Beginner's workshop!), and the Project Notes video series.
Learn about the upcoming Paratext 9.2 auto-update, how to open the Interlinear tool in Paratext 9.2, and The Paratext Hour webinar schedule for early 2022! We plan to publish these newsletters about once per month.
Discover 65+ Arabic training videos, and 100+ new videos in other languages. Celebrate Paratext’s 30th anniversary and help fund additional training resources.
Paratext 9.3 released, training videos in multiple languages, use Paratext in additional languages, KTOT update, new training course, and jobs with Paratext.
News about Paratext 9.3, new training materials in English and French, new Interlinearizer video, using Paratext in more languages, and a new PTXprint video!
Learn about new Paratext plugins, watch the Paratext 9.3 Beta demo video, find new translation resources, and sign up for publishing training opportunites.
Learn about the Spell Check video series, creating/registering a new project, new enhanced resources, training opportunities (PubAssist Workshop!), and more.
Learn about using Paratext in new languages, new translation resources, training opportunities (Beginner's workshop!), and the Project Notes video series.
Learn about the upcoming Paratext 9.2 auto-update, how to open the Interlinear tool in Paratext 9.2, and The Paratext Hour webinar schedule for early 2022! We plan to publish these newsletters about once per month.