
About Paratext

Paratext was created for Bible translators by Bible translators.  Specifically developed for translating the Bible into any written language, Paratext enables consistent and accurate translation, based on original texts, and modeled after quality translations in other languages.

Major Features

Key Partners

A world-wide network of Bible Societies operating in over 240 countries and territories to make sure that everyone who wants to can access and engage with the Bible.

Established in 1946

A global, faith-based nonprofit that works with local communities to develop language solutions that expand possibilities for a better life.

Established in 1934


A worldwide ministry that has been helping people engage with God’s Word in a way they understand, so they can be transformed by Christ.

Established in 1809

A collective impact alliance of Bible translation and resource partners working together to see all people gain access to God’s Word in a language they can clearly understand by 2033.

Established in 2010

An organization dedicated to serving with the global body of Christ to advance Bible translation and work together so people can encounter God through his Word.

Established in 1942

An organization committed to Jesus’ Great Commission and called to coordinate and foster relational unity between organizations of similar vision.

Established in 2018

Our Impact

Active Users

Translating the Bible


Using Paratext​

Resource Texts

Available to Approved Bible Translators​


Translated with Paratext​

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