
Paratext Newsletter 📰 January 2022

The Paratext Newsletter: Sharing helpful info, updates, and announcements about Paratext

Automatic Update to Paratext 9.2 | How to Open the Interlinearizer in 9.2 | Paratext Hour Webinars

Automatic Update to Paratext 9.2 – Starting January 28

Paratext 9.2 is available now, with updates and improvements to many different features.

  • Study Bible Authoring
  • Interlinearizer (see info below)
  • Wordlist
  • Paratext Live*
  • And more…

Auto-updates are scheduled to start next week (January 28).

*If you use Paratext Live, please see our important announcement about updating to Paratext 9.2.

While we encourage teams to use the latest version of Paratext, if you need to stay on an older version, please check out the older versions page for more info.

Download Paratext 9.2

How to Open the Interlinearizer in 9.2

Paratext 9.2 comes with a new process for setting up and opening interlinear projects. To understand why this change was necessary, it is important to understand some of the issues users were having with accessing interlinear texts.

Let’s say a translation team prepared an interlinear text that they wanted you to access in Paratext. After getting the project via send/receive, you would need to open the interlinear. Sometimes, you would see all of the word glosses they provided, but other times, the word glosses would all be missing, depending on the model text you selected when opening the interlinear. This was a rather difficult problem to understand or to resolve. Without going into details, the problem was related to language tags, specifically the language tag of the model text the interlinear was using.

In Paratext 9.2 we’ve provided a way to see and open an existing interlinear text configuration — so that getting it right is not a matter of chance.

When you open Paratext 9.2 for the first time, you may have to close and reopen your interlinear text window.  If it was open in your layout, you will see this in place of your interlinear:

interlinearizer error occurred

This message is admittedly not too helpful.  Paratext 9.2 needs new information about the interlinear text that was not stored in previous versions. You need to close this window with the error message, open the interlinearizer from the menu, arrange it on the layout where you want it, and then resave your layout.

When you go to the Project menu > Tools > Interlinearizer, you will see this:

open interlinearizer window 1

When you click on the dropdown (#1 in the window above), you will see this:

open interlinearizer window drop down list all options

At the top of the dropdown list are four options for creating a new interlinear:

  1. Create glosses for <project name> based on a model text
  2. Create glosses for <project name> with no model text
  3. Create a back translation of <project name>
  4. Create adaptation/revision of <project name>

After these options, there is a dividing line and any interlinear combinations that already exist are listed. The existing project in the above example is circled in red. It shows that the FMAA project has an existing interlinear with French glosses, with suggestions from the Nouvelle Bible Segond. Choosing this will open the existing interlinear that you have been using, and you can save this again in your existing layout.

To learn more about the new options for opening/creating an interlinear, please see the following article on the Paratext website:

Read Article

The Paratext Hour Webinar is Starting Again!

Are you looking for ways to help you be more confident in using Paratext for your translation work? Join us for the Paratext Hour webinar: Mondays at 11 AM (EST) / 4 PM (UTC).

Here are the upcoming topics:

  • January 24: Setting up a new project
  • January 31: Setting up the language settings
  • February 7: Adding books to a project
  • February 14: Quotation rules / Check
  • February 21: How do I use checklists?
  • February 28: What can I do with a list?
  • March 7: Working with figures
  • March 14: Working with a glossary
  • March 21: Working with notes
  • March 28: Working with Consultant Notes
  • April 4: Paratext Registry for the average user

Past Paratext Hour recordings are also available on the EMDC website (search Past events for Paratext).

To attend The Paratext Hour, please pre-register on the EMDC website.


Until next time,

James, for the Paratext team

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